“Frontline” men’s ministry is designed to bring men together to encourage and inspire a closer relationship with God and each other. They meet on Monday evenings at 7pm for a special time of prayer and sharing. The men also set aside various times throughout the year for fellowship and fun. Our purpose is to help men grow in their walk with Christ, therefore creating a solid foundation at home, as well as in the church. - See more at: http://www.familychurch.cc/about/mens-ministry/#sthash.d3CgQu0p.dpuf
“Frontline” men’s ministry is designed to bring men together to encourage and inspire a closer relationship with God and each other. They meet on Monday evenings at 7pm for a special time of prayer and sharing. The men also set aside various times throughout the year for fellowship and fun. Our purpose is to help men grow in their walk with Christ, therefore creating a solid foundation at home, as well as in the church. - See more at: http://www.familychurch.cc/about/mens-ministry/#sthash.d3CgQu0p.dpuf
Join our men on Mondays at 7:00 pm for a weekly Bible study. From new believers digging into the Word of God for the first time to seasoned veterans who are still finding truth in the Word, our men are growing in their relationship with God. Become spiritually equipped and learn how to walk with Christ. It will change your life.
We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. ~ Colossians 1:28
It's not healthy for anyone to do life alone. Our men's group encourages you to build friendships with other godly men. Come fellowship with us and become stronger in your faith.
Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another. ~ Proverbs 27:17
Frontline” men’s ministry is designed to bring men together to encourage and inspire a closer relationship with God and each other. They meet on Monday evenings at 7pm for a special time of prayer and sharing. The men also set aside various times throughout the year for fellowship and fun. Our purpose is to help men grow in their walk with Christ, therefore creating a solid foundation at home, as well as in the church. - See more at: http://www.familychurch.cc/about/mens-ministry/#sthash.d3CgQu0p.dpuf